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  • $150 (60 minutes)
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  • $190 (90 minutes)

Abhyanga is a deeply soothing massage used with warm oil, which nourishes the body internally, externally and mobilizes deep muscle tissues. A very unique treatment that will leave you feeling invigorated, yet deeply relaxed at the same time. Oil or oleation or in Sanskrit “Snehana” means love. When we anoint the body generously in oil, we are anointing it in love and self-love and here is just the beginning of the health benefits of abhyanga. Abhyanga moves the body from a state of imbalance to equilibrium, from stress response to ease, from clogged ama (toxins) to freely circulating prana or chi (vital energy).

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Postpartum Abhyanga

  • $150 (60 minutes)
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  • $190 (90 minutes)

Postpartum touch gives a stronger sense of connection, healing, comfort and warmth. It supports oxytocin hormone release that reinforces connection to the baby and family. Postpartum Abhyanga (warm oil massage) is adjusted in a different way to promote grounding, nurturing and lessens fatigue.

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  • $180 (90 minutes) – incl. Abhyanga

This traditional Ayurvedic therapy called Basti is utilized either for the neck, back, chest, belly or knee. It includes the application of a warm herbal oil bath contained by a ring to a specific area that causes discomfort, pain, lack of mobility, stagnation, congestion and stiffness. The herbal oil which is slowly absorbed by the skin is warm, then removed when cooled down.

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It is recommended to rest after the session for a while to reconnect and maintain a peaceful mind. 

On the spine effective for: Muscle spasms and rigidity, tingling, numbness in hands due to nerve compression, pain, and inflammation, sciatica, hip pain, lubricates the cervical, thoracic and lumbar joints, spondylosis, and vertigo. 

On cervical particularly: neck and shoulder pain, cervical spondylosis, headaches, migraines, muscle spasm, scoliosis, slipped disc, disc prolapse and whiplash.

On the knee effective for: Knee pain, joint pain, ligament tear, and sprain, low back pain, lubricates and mobility knee joints, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis.

On the chest effective for: Blood circulation, heart function, muscular chest pain, anger, grief, relieve deep-seated repressed stress, asthma, respiratory disorders and gives a sense of happiness.

Sandalwood glow with clay

  • $180 (90 minutes)

Bring a natural glow to your skin with our Sandalwood body clay treatment. An exalting body ritual with freshly ground sandalwood paste, an antibiotic element that cleans the skin, leaving the skin moisturized with a radiant glow. The properties of this body treatment help combat skin inflammation and control excess moisture, which makes it an excellent choice for acne-prone and oily skin types. This balancing treatment includes a soothing massage to the scalp, neck and shoulders.

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Ayurvedic Herbal detox

  • $199 (90 minutes)

The combination of minerals emerging from the Red Moroccan and full earth clay, and triphala herbs is beneficial to tone your muscles, reduce skin dryness, increase your metabolism, helps with toxins removal and boost your lymph drainage.

Your session will start with a dry brush with silk gloves, followed by an exfoliation of the skin using a mixture of herbs and clay over the entire body. A short steam is incorporated to open the pores and the treatment is finalized by an herbal moisturizer or unscented option. You will be leaving this treatment with your skin tingling, soothed, and soft with a sense of touch revitalized.

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Ayurvedic Herbal detox oily, sensitive skin

  • $199 (90 minutes)

This body treatment is made of Manjistha herbs, a rejuvenated herb that confers detoxifying effects. Manjistha is an incredible blood-purifying herb that has immense regenerative properties. It is extensively used in a variety of skin conditions (mild form of acne, pimples, psoriasis, eczema) because of the essential bio-active ingredients, and its therapeutic properties. Manjistha helps in shielding the skin from oxidative radical damage due to the UVA and UVB rays, and also reduces the risk of the various signs of aging like wrinkles, blemishes, spots, fine lines, and dark circles. The combination with the minerals of Fuller’s Earth clay aid in improving skin’s tone, luster and complexion and enhancing lymphatic functions.

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